Sunday, 25 March 2012

Insurance Continuing Education - What Is That?

Insurance continuing education is something most insurance agents and brokers need to do from time to time. Each state puts in place specific requirements about when a person has to get continuing education. In addition, the states determine how much education is needed and what qualifies. In short, the goal of these requirements is to ensure those who are working in this industry are the most up to date on the laws, trends and changes occurring within the industry. Many agents brush them off and do not like to take them, but these courses can actually help even those who have been in the business for years to get better at what they do.
If you have put off getting your continuing education requirements, you may end up losing your license to sell or work in the insurance industry. The problem is that many people do not want to take the time out of their busy workday to actually go into this industry and make the commitment to the time it takes. However, most states have specific requirements for how many course hours of study you need to complete in order to keep your license. If you do not do this, you could end up losing your license. The state may not renew your license without the required courses. If you lose your license, you may have to start all over again with obtaining it and in the meantime, you will not have the ability to work.
There is no need to put off getting your insurance continuing education, though. In fact, some companies will work with you to ensure you have no problem getting your education in a simple and easy format. One of the biggest problems that insurance professionals have is dedicating the time off from their work routine to get into a classroom environment. Hands down, most people do not have time to take time off from work and not get paid, and get these requirements done. However, some companies have made it easier to work around this. They provide you with the materials you need, the access to the resources required and then you can use them whenever you can from any location. That makes it far easier for you to get the credits you need to succeed.
As an insurance professional, there is no doubt that you need to have access to all of the latest information and changes within the industry. You also need to make sure that every resource you require is available to you. Not getting your continuing education really should not be an option. Rather, you should focus on finding the right company to get your education from. Look for one that will work with you and around your busy schedule to make it happen. Of course, you do want to go to a trustworthy location so you are actually getting the information you need to have and that will benefit you.
For many people, getting insurance continuing education seems like a bother. Why do it? Why do you have to commit time and money into this type of learning when you already know what you are doing? It can seem very limiting but there are some solid benefits to turning to online resources to help you to stay up to date. You will not be able to fight the system, but you can make it work around you. The good news is that many people find that they can actually learn something and benefit their lives by having these types of programs. The only thing holding you back is when should you get started and whom you should work with to do so.
Andy West found everything he was looking for in insurance continuing education.

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Four Guerrilla Marketing Techniques Insurance Agents Should Use!

Building a clientele of insurance customers isn't the easiest thing to do. And whether you are just starting out in the insurance industry or if you have had years of experience, it's always good to find ways to attract customers without spending too much on your advertising expenses. That's where guerrilla marketing can help. Guerrilla marketing is a way to advertise your services with a minimal (if any) cost to you. Here are four effective guerrilla marketing techniques you should start utilizing now to attract more customers.
  1. Paying it Forward - This technique may cost a few dollars but the returns can be huge. The next time you are at the coffee shop, the movie theater or somewhere like that, pay for the person's ticket or coffee that is behind you. Then, give the cashier a business card to hand to that person. Even if you don't get that person to be a client of yours, the word of mouth is going to be huge and you could reap the benefits in the near future. With this technique, keep your costs at a minimum by making sure the person behind you is an individual or a couple instead of a group or family of 5 or 6.
  2. Write a Few Guest Blogs - If you know someone who runs a blog about the type of insurance products and services you provide, you can ask if you can do some guests posts. A guest blog will get you some recognition and you can almost always include a link to your website somewhere in the blog or at the end. Guest blogging also gives you credibility in your insurance specialty which is great for business
  3. Create a Top 10 List for Promotional Purposes - People see business cards every day at the cash registers and other areas of your local businesses. In fact, they are so prevalent that most people simply don't notice them anymore. But if you make your promotional materials unique, you will have a better chance of being noticed. Why not create a "Top 10 Reasons to Choose [your business name here] for Your Life Insurance" and put those out instead of your business cards? People love lists because they are concise and easy to read. Make your list humorous and true and you will notice an increase in your clientele in just a short time.
  4. Send Holiday Emails - Holiday emails are a great way to connect with your current customers, but why not send them to your past clients as well? They may not be using your services right now, but if they need them again, your name will be the first one they think of if you keep in touch with them. Send them emails for the appropriate holidays that they celebrate so as to not offend them and you'll see a huge return for nothing more than just a few minutes of your time.
These are just a few techniques you can put into your advertising arsenal to help build your customer base. Of course, the more creative you can be will be a factor in how many people you will attract to your insurance products and services. Just remember that the most effective advertising techniques aren't always the most expensive ones.
If you are interested in a agent support system that provides all the tools, support, and resources you will need to either become successful in insurance sales and/or build your own agency visit the links or call             1-800-359-0980       (ask for Dan or Scott) to help you decide whats best for you!
Thank you and make it a great career,
Daniel B. Hagy

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